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"There are TWO types of people.
Those who love Michael Powers’ music,
and those who have not yet heard it!"
The Review

"Michael Powers' music seamlessly and simultaneously honors the past, celebrates the present, and fearlessly reaches into the future!"

CLICK here to ORDER the new Michael Powers Concert  DVD

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"Michael Powers has established himself among a new breed of guitarists and composers who, with each album and every performance, continually redefines the guitars' role in the jazz context. His technique is stunning, but he never employs it at the expense of the musicality of the melodic line. Blues has always been at the core of Michael's inspiration and expression."
The Tacoma News Tribune

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click here to send  e-mail to Michael Powers to get on e-mail update list

Copyright ©, 2000 Michael Powers Music

click here to contact Susan Scott (took promo photo with Skyline)

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